Her kan du lese om alt det siste innen mote, trender og stoffer. Vi deler nyheter om Weard og vår produksjon og hvorfor vi har valgt å bruke bambus som materiale i klærne våre, men vi deler også trendspotting, analyser og mye mer. Nyt!

Why Bamboo Is Revolutionizing Sustainable Fashion Choices
Why Bamboo Is Revolutionizing Sustainable Fashion Choices

Why Bamboo Is Revolutionizing Sustainable Fashion Choices

As we step into an era where the environmental impact of our choices is more important than ever, understanding the sustainability of the materials we wear is crucial. Clothing materials like cotton, linen, and polyester dominate our wardrobes, but not all of them are kind to our planet. Today, let's dig into the world of textiles and unravel their secrets, from environmental impacts to the herald of sustainable materials like bamboo in modern apparel. Understanding Common Textiles In the traditional...

3 reasons to choose our bamboo lounge sets!
3 reasons to choose our bamboo lounge sets!

3 grunner til å velge våre bambus lounge sett!

5 reasons why EVERYONE is switching to bamboo boxers right now!
5 reasons why EVERYONE is switching to bamboo boxers right now!

5 grunner til at ALLE bytter til bambusboksere akkurat nå!

5 reasons why EVERYONE is switching to bamboo panties right now!
5 reasons why EVERYONE is switching to bamboo panties right now!

5 grunner til at ALLE bytter til bambustruser akkurat nå!

Washing guide - taking care of your bamboo clothes
Washing guide - taking care of your bamboo clothes

Vaskeguide - ta vare på bambusklærne dine

5 reasons to choose the bamboo lounge set!
5 reasons to choose the bamboo lounge set!

5 grunner til å velge salongsettet i bambus!

5 reasons why bamboo tops are SO much better!
5 reasons why bamboo tops are SO much better!

5 grunner til at bambustopper er SÅ mye bedre!

Gift ideas with bamboo in mind!
Gift ideas with bamboo in mind!

Gaveideer med bambus i tankene!

The psychology of clothing: How your style affects your mood and confidence
The psychology of clothing: How your style affects your mood and confidence

Klærs psykologi: Hvordan stilen din påvirker humøret og selvtilliten

Why should you use a bamboo base layers?
Why should you use a bamboo base layers?
